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Session Laws, 1957
Volume 640, Page 1531   View pdf image (33K)
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Theodore R. McKeldin, Governor                  1531

supported by vouchers approved by the County Commissioners and
shall not exceed the amount] allowed an expense account of Two
Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($2,500.00) [in any one year]
annually, and the Treasurer shall receive no other compensation or
fee for the collection of any taxes, charges or fees or the performance
of his duties. The Treasurer shall make up a budget each year
showing the estimated expenditures of his office for clerical help,
supplies and equipment, and other necessary office expenses, subject
to the approval of the County Commissioners. The County Commis-
sioners of Prince George's County are authorized and directed to
levy each year such sums of money necessary to carry on the work
of the Treasurers Office as approved by them in the budget. All
monies payable to the Treasurer of Prince George's County for the
collection of taxes and assessments, and fees, including the Wash-
ington Suburban Sanitary Commission and the Maryland National
Capital Park and Planning Commission shall hereafter be paid to the
County Commissioners of Prince George's County.

506. All tax sales of real estate shall be advertised for four
consecutive weekly issues, any other provisions in any of the local
laws relating to tax sales in Prince George's County to the contrary
notwithstanding, in three newspapers published in Prince George's
County, to be selected by the Treasurer; provided that the news-
papers so selected shall have been established in their respective
towns at least two years preceding the date of the first publication
of said advertisement; and the cost of such advertisement in and for
each newspaper shall not exceed the sum of [one dollar and thirty
cents] two dollars and fifty cents per item for a tax sale, which sum
of money shall be charged against the property offered for sale as
items of cost after six o'clock P. M. on the [Saturday] Friday next
preceding the date of issue of said newspapers in which said ad-
vertisement shall first appear. The Treasurer shall deliver the copy
of said advertisement to the publishers of said newspapers not later
than ten o'clock A. M. on the Monday of the week in which the first
publication of said tax sale advertisement shall appear. A tax sale
shall consist of all the real estate in any election district of the county
advertised for sale and belonging to the same person. In the matter
of the sale of personal property for taxes, the Treasurer shall be
allowed costs similar to those allowed by law in the cases of seizure
and sale of personal property by distraint, except he shall receive
no fee or commission therein.


Approved April 15, 1957.

(House Bill 875)

AN ACT creating a special tax zone in the Second Election District
of Anne Arundel County for the purpose of levying special taxes

Explanation: Italics indicate new matter added to existing law.

[Brackets] indicate matter stricken from existing law.
CAPITALS indicate amendments to bill.
Strike out indicates matter stricken out of bill.


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Session Laws, 1957
Volume 640, Page 1531   View pdf image (33K)
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