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Session Laws, 1817
Volume 636, Page 133   View pdf image
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had never been married, and to hold, use, or enjoy the same, for
her own use and benefit, and the same to dispose of according to
her will and pleasure, without the molestation, hindrance, interfer-
ence or consent, of her said husband, in the same manner as she
could or might have done were she a feme sole.

Dec. Ses. 1817.


An act to authorise and empower Charles Robinson and Eli-
zabeth Robinson, administrators of Thomas Robinson, of
Anne-Arundel County, deceased, to convey certain Lands
therein mentioned.
Whereas, Charles and Elizabeth Robinson, and Richard Lin-
thicum, and Anne his wife, of Anne-Arundel county, by their peti-
tion have represented to this general assembly, that letters of ad-
ministration on the estate of the said Thomas Robinson were grant-
ed to the, said Charles and Elizabeth Robinson, and that at the
time of the death of the said Thomas Robinson a suit was depend-
ing in his name in Anne Arundel county court, against a certain
Ignatius Bright, for the recovery of fifty acres of land, part of a
tract of land called Robinson's Choice: And whereas the said
Charles and Elizabeth Robinson, believing that they were empow-
ered as administrators to compromise the said suit, and to release
the said Thomas Robinson's claim to the land, did sell and release
the same to the said Ignatius Bright for a valuable consideration:
And whereas it is considered that a confirmation of the said com-
promise and sale would conduce to the interests of the infant chil-
dren of the said Thomas Robinson;
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the said Charles Robinson and Elizabeth Robinson, be and they
are hereby authorised and empowered, (on receipt of the purchase
money agreed upon,) by a good and sufficient deed of bargain and
sale, to transfer, assign and release, all the right, title, interest
and claim, of the heirs of the said Thomas Robinson, in and to the
said land, to the said Ignatius Bright and his heirs, which deed,
shall be valid and effectual to transfer all the right, title and inte-
rest, of the said Thomas Robinson's heirs in the said land, to the
said Ignatius Bright and his heirs for ever.
2. And be it enacted, That the said Charles Robinson and Eli-
zabeth Robinson, shall account with the orphans court of Anne-
Arundel county for the money so by them received, or to be receiv-
ed of the said Ignatius Bright, as part of the personal estate of the
said Thomas Robinson.

Passed Feb 5

Land may be

To account
with orphans

chapter 125.
An act for the benefit of the Heirs of John Brown, late of
Montgomery County, deceased.
Whereas, it is represented to this general assembly, by the pe-
tition of Greenberry Howard, of Montgomery county, that being
guardian to the heirs of John Brown, late of Montgomery county,
deceased, he has contracted for the sale of a tract of land lying; in
Montgomery county called "Brooke Grove," in part the property
of said heirs, by which sale their interest will be essentially pro-
moted, as the land is not susceptible of division; Therefore

Passed Feb. 5.

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Session Laws, 1817
Volume 636, Page 133   View pdf image
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