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Session Laws, 1817
Volume 636, Page 134   View pdf image
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Dec. Ses. 1817

Sale may be

Trustee may
receive money.

To give bond.

to be valid.

Proceeds of

? Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the orphans court of Montgomery county shall have full power and
authority, upon application of the petitioner, on the part of said
heirs, and being satisfied that it is necessary, and will be of ad-
vantage to said heirs, to appoint a trustee or trustees for effecting
and confirming said sale.
' 2. And be it enacted, That the trustee or trustees so appointed by
the orphans court of said county, shall be authorised and empow-
ered to receive all monies arising from the sale of said land, and to
invest or apply the same in such manner, under the direction of the
said orphans court, as may by them be deemed most advantageous
for the heirs.
3. And be it enacted, That the trustee or trustees appointed by
virtue of this act, shall give bond with good and sufficient security,
in the name of the state of Maryland, to be approved by the orphans
court aforesaid, for the due execution of the trust to him or them
committed, which bond shall be lodged with the judges of the or-
phans court, and the said bond shall be recorded, and be subject
to be put in suit by any person or persons interested for and in be-
half of the said heirs, in the same manner as administration bonds
now are.
4. And be it enacted, That any conveyance or deed made by the
trustee or trustees aforesaid, pursuant to the direction of the or-
phans court aforesaid, shall and is hereby declared to be valid and
effectual to pass and convey all the right, title and interest, of the
said heirs, in and to the land aforesaid, to the purchaser or purcha-
sers of the same.
5. And be it enacted, That the proceeds of the said real estate,
so as aforesaid sold, shall be considered as a part of the real estate
of John Brown, deceased, and shall descend to his heirs at law, and
legal representatives, in the same manner as the said real estate
would descend if the same had not been sold.

Passed Feb. 5.


An act for establishing and building a Bridge across Mono-
cacy River, in the County of Frederick.
Whereas, it hath been represented to this house, by the peti-
tions of a number of the inhabitants of the county of Frederick,
that the erecting a good and substantial bridge across Monocacy
River, on the great road leading from the cities of Philadelphia
and Baltimore, and through the populous counties of York and
Lancaster in the state of Pennsylvania, to the town of Frederick
in Frederick county, and to the western states, would greatly be-
nefit the trade and general interest of the community, which are at
present considerably impeded by ice in the winter season and the
frequent rise of the waters in said river: And whereas William E.
Williams, in order to effect an uninterrupted communication be-
tween the cities of Philadelphia and Baltimore, and the western
counties of this state, and the western states, is desirous of erect-
ing a bridge as aforesaid across the said river at. Williams' ferry,
at his proper cost and expense, and therefore hath prayed the ge-
neral assembly to vest the said bridge, when built, in him, his heirs
and assigns for ever, with liberty to demand and receive such toll
or fees from travellers, and others, as hereinafter expressed; the

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Session Laws, 1817
Volume 636, Page 134   View pdf image
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