the name of the said infants, in such funds as the court
shall direct; Provided, That the said widow shall
be entitled to only such part of the money arising from
the sale of the said property, as the orphans' court shall
judge reasonable and proper, not exceeding one eighth
thereof; and said court shall order and direct that such
portion be paid by the trustee to the widow or her order.
Dec. Sess.
4. AND BE IT ENACTED, That any conveyance
or deed which shall be made by the trustee aforesaid un-
der the order of the said justices of the orphan's court of
Charles county, shall be, and the same is hereby declar-
ed to be valid and effectual, to pass and convey all the
right, title and interest of the said children in and to the
properly aforesaid, to the purchaser or purchasers there-
of, and their heirs respectively.
Deed con-
5. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said justices
of the orphans' court be, and they are hereby authoris-
sed and empowered, on application of the said trustee
to direct and order the terms and conditions of the sale
of the said property, as they shall judge most for the in-
terest of the said children.
Terms of sale.
6. AND BE IT ENACTED, That in case of the
death of the said children before their arrival at lawful
age as aforesaid, or their dying intestate without issue,
the said stock so to be purchased as aforesaid, and the
proceeds arising from the sale of the said property di-
rected to be paid to the said children by this act, shall
be considered as a part of the real estate of the said Ge-
rard Briscoe, deceased, and shall descend to his heirs at
law and legal representatives in the manner as the said
real estate would descend if the same had not been sold
under and in virtue of this act.
Case of death;
proceeds ap-
An act for the benefit of Priscilla Wilson, of Calvert
WHEREAS James M. Wilson late of Calvert conn.
ty, has left his wife and children, and has voluntarily en
tered into the British Naval Service, and has continued
therein for seven years, and still remains therein:
Passed Jan.
31, 1814.
Section 1. BE IT ENACTED, by the General As-
sembly of Maryland, That Priscilla Wilson, wife of
the said James M. Wilson, shall be, and she is hereby
authorized to sell and convey all the property which be-
longed to her at the time of her marriage, and all which
has since descended to her.
Authorised to
sell and convey
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That any deed or
deeds which may be executed by the said Priscilla Wil-
son for the whole or part of the said property, shall be
as good and valid as if the said Priscilla was a feme sole.
Deeds con-
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That for all the pur-
poses of purchasing, selling or contracting for property,
A feme sole,
in all contracts