mother of the said Ann Matilda Hebb. and shall descend
to her heirs at law, and legal representatives, in the same
manner as the said real estate would descend, if the same
had not been sold under and in virtue of this act.
Passed Jan.
29, 1814.
An act for the benefit of the infant children of Gerard
Briscoe, late of Charles county, deceased.
WHEREAS Elizabeth Briscoe late of Charles coun-
ty, by her petition to this General Assembly, has set
forth, that her deceased husband Gerard Briscoe, late of
the aforesaid county, deceased, died seized of a fee sim-
ple estate, in an house and lot in Port Tobacco, in the
county aforesaid; which said estate is very unproductive,
and that the said Gerard Briscoe left two infant children
under ten years of age, and has also stated that it would
be more beneficial to the said minors, that the said house
and lot should be sold, and the money invested in some
profitable fund, and has als0 prayed this General Assem-
bly to pass a law authorising the orphans' court of Charles
county, to hear and decide if the facts stated are true,
and it so, that the said court shall be authorised and
empowered to order and adjudge that the house and lot
aforesaid shall be sold, and the proceeds thereof to be in-
vested in such stock or funds as the said court may deem
most conducive to the interest of the said minors; There-
court empow-
ered on peti-
tion, to order
a sale, appoint
a trustee.
Section 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That the justices of the orphans' court
of Charles county, shall have full power and authority
on the petition of the said Elizabeth Briscoe, (provided
they shall be satisfied that it will conduce to the benefit
of the said children) to order a sale of the house and lot
of which the said Gerard Briscoe died seized, upon such
terms as the said justices may think proper, and to
appoint a trustee for the purpose of effecting such sale.
Sate to be con-
firmed, — bond
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That any sale which
shall be made under the authority granted by the provi-
sions of this act, shall be notified to and confirmed by the
justices of the orphans' court aforesaid, before the con-
veyatice of the property shall be made, and bond in the
name of the state of Maryland, with good and sufficient
security, to be approved of by the said justices, shall be
given by the person or persons empowered to sell the
house and lot aforesaid, under the order aforesaid, for the
due execution of the trust; which bond shall be deposited
with the register of wills for Charles county, to be by
him recorded among the proceedings of the orphans'
court of said county, and shall be subject to be put in
suit by any person or persons interested therein.
Proceeds ap-
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the trustee, to be
appointed by the order of the justices aforesaid, shall in-
vest the proceeds, after deducting the widow's interest, in