or of suing or being sued, the said Priscilla Wilson
shall be considered a feme sole.
Passed Jan.
31, 1814.
ers $120,000
capital stock;
An act to incorporate a company tinder the name and
style of the Caroline Manufacturing Company.
Section 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General Ass-
sembly of Maryland, That William Wheatley, William
Hughlett, Frederick Holbrook, George Reed and Wil-
liam Potter, be, and they or any three of them be, and
they are hereby appointed commissioners, with full pow-
er and authority, to open, or cause to be opened, books
for receiving and entering subscriptions for raising a
capital stock not exceeding one hundred and twenty
thousand dollars, in shares of one hundred dollars, each,
for the purpose of manufacturing cotton, woolen, and
linen cloths, and flour, and further to employ the surplus
funds of said company in any useful manufacturing es-
tablishment; Provided, That the first object of the said
company shall be the procuring of a seat or seats for the
erection and establishment of the necessary works of
said company.
Open sub-
books; notice.
2. AND BE IT EN ACTED, That the commissioners
aforesaid, or any three or more of them, shall open said
books in some convenient place in Caroline county, the
times and manner of entering and securing such sub-
scription, to be fixed upon by the said commissioners, or
any three or more of them, to be advertised by them at
least six weeks before said subscriptions shall be taken,
in one or more papers published in the town of Easton.
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That whenever two
hundred and fifty shares of the said stock shall be sub-
scribed for, all persons who may then be, or thereafter
may become, the actual proprietors of shares in the said
capital stock, either as subscribers for the same, or as
the legal representatives, successors or assigns, if such
subscribers, shall be, and they are hereby made and
created a body politic and corporate, by the name and
style of the Caroline Manufacturing Company, and by
that name may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded,
and to do and suffer all acts, matters and things, which a
body politic and corporate may lawfully do and suffer.
Election for
choose a presi-
dent, make
4. AND BE IT ENACTED, That whenever the said
two hundred and fifty shares shall be subscribed for, that
then the commissioners aforesaid, or any three or more
of them, shall, by giving at least six weeks notice there-
of, in one or more newspapers published in the town of
Easton, call a meeting of the said stock orders in the vil-
lage of Denton, for the purpose of electing from amongst
the stockholders, seven directors, residents of Caroline
county; which election shall be by ballot, on the day and
at the place appointed therefor by the said commission-