Dec Sess.
Passed Jan.
29, 1814.
An act to authorise the sale of certain property therein
WHEREAS, it is represented that John Guiton, late
of Baltimore county, deceased, died, being entitled in
remainder to a tract of land, part of a tract called the
land of Promise, lying on the great falls of gunpowder
river, and that water works are about to be erected on said
stream below said land, and the proprietor thereof is
willing to pay a liberal price tor the liberty of raising his
dam, so as that the water will flow upon a small part of
said land, and the administrators of said John Guiton
have petitioned for authority to sell the right of raising
the water on said land, and said petition appearing rea-
sonable: Therefore,
Persons au-
thorised to sell
and convey.
Proceeds ap-
Section 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General Assem-
bly of Mart/land, That Surah Guiton, administratrix, and
Henry Guiton, administrator, of said John Guiton, be,
and they are hereby authorised and empowered to sell
the right, and privilege in perpetuity of raiding the water
of said stream by the erection of a dam and conveying
the water to water works below said land, and to make
a deed of conveyance for the same, and the money arising
from such sale shall be paid to those entitled to said re-
mainder in said land; and that part of said money which
shall fall to minors, shall under the direction of the or-
phans' court of Baltimore county, be vested in stock of
some bank in the city of Baltimore, in the name of said
minors respectively, so to remain until they shall res-
pectively arrive at lawful age, the dividends to be drawn
by the parent or guardians of said minors respectively.
Passed Jan.
29, 1814.
An act for the benefit of Ana Matilda Hebb, an infant
child of William Hebb, of Prince George's county.
WHEREAS, William Hebb, of Prince George's
county, and late of Saint Mary's county, by his petition
to this general assembly, hath set forth, that he hath a
life estate in a small tract of land, lying in Saint Mary's
county, called Good Luck, said to contain one hundred
acres, that the reversion is in his daughter Ann Matilda
Hebb, now a minor, that he has in partnership with others
erected at great expense a valuable factory for carding,
spinning and weaving wool and cotton near it, which is
impeded in its progress for the want of a fee simple es-
tate in the said land, that this is the most favorable time
to make sale of it, having laid waste as a common for
many years, is destitute of improvements of any kind,
and will admit of none, and prays that he may be author-
ised by law to sell and convey the said land in fee, on his
making such provision for his said daughter as this gene-
ral assembly may direct: Therefore,