manner as he could or might have done within the time
limited by law, any law to the contrary notwithstand-
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That it shall be the duty
of the said Robert Welch, (of Ben.) before he proceeds
to execute of distrain the property of any person or per-
sons for taxes or public dues in virtue of this act, to de-
liver to such person or persons chargeable with the same,
at least thirty days previous to levying such execution
or distress, an account written in words at full length,
of the taxes demanded of him, her or them, with an affi-
davit annexed, (if required,) that he hath not received
any part thereof, nor any thing as security or satisfaction
for the same, more than credit given to the best of his
Dec. Sess.
To deliver
accounts 30
days previous
to executing,
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said Robert
Welch, (of Ben.) before he derives any benefit from or
under this act, shall lodge his collection books in the
clerks office of Anne-Arundel county, to be opened for
the inspection of all persons interested in the same.
Shall depo-
sit his books
in the clerk's
An act for the relief of Susan O'Hara and Fielder
Moore, of Anne-Arundel county.
Section 1. BE IT EN ACTED by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That the levy court of Anne-Arundel
county be, and they are hereby authorised and directed,
to levy on the assessable properly of said county, the sum
of thirty dollars, for the support and maintenance of Su-
san O'Hara, and the further sum of thirty dollars for the
support and maintenance of Fielder Moore, and that
the said sums be levied, collected and paid, under the di-
rection of the levy court, annually, to the said Susan
O'Hara and to Fielder Moore respectively, so long as
said court shall see fit.
Passed Jan.
31, 1814.
30 dollars to
be levied for
the support of
each of them.
An act to continue in force the acts of assembly which
would expire with the present session.
Section 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General As-
sembly of Maryland, That all such acts and parts of
acts of assembly as would expire with the present ses-
sion of assembly, be and the same are hereby continued
until twentieth day of November next, and to the end of
the next session of assembly which shall happen there-
after, except the act entitled, a further supplement to the
act entitled, an act for regulating the mode of staying
executions and repealing the acts of assembly therein
mentioned and for other purposes, passed at May session,
eighteen hundred and thirteen.
Passed Jan.
31, 1814.
Laws to con-
tinue in force.