company benefitted thereby, shall respectively contribute and pay to-
wards compensating those who are judged to be injured by opening
and extending said street, as well as the expenses of said opening and
the names of the person or persons, and the several sums of money
which they shall respectively be obliged to pay, shall be returned un-
der the hands and seals of the said commissioners or a majority of
them, to the office of the Register of the city of Baltimore, to be filed
and kept in his office, and the sums of money assessed and charged
to each individual or company benefitted as aforesaid, shall he a lien
upon the property so benefitted thereby.
. Dec. Ses. 1823
3. And be it enacted, That the said several sums of money so as
sessed shall be collected by the city collector, and shall be paid over
by him to the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, and by them to
the persons entitled to receive the same; it shall be the duty of the
city collector to give twenty days notice of the time of payment in
one of the newspapers in the city of Baltimore, which time shall be in
thirty days after the return of the said commissioners shall lie filed as
aforesaid, and should any sums assessed as aforesaid not be paid with-
in that time, the collector shall he authorised to sell the property or
any part thereof on which such assessment has been laid, giving not
less than thirty days notice of such intended sale in one of the said
newspapers, and the collector upon receiving the purchase money on
such sale shall execute a deed of conveyance therefor in favour of the
purchaser, which deed shall convey all the estate and interest of the
person or persons assessed as aforesaid and neglecting to pay, in and
to such property, and after deducting the costs of sale, advertising,
&c. the collector shall pay over the balance to the said. Mayor and
City Council, who shall pay over the said balance after deducting the
amount assessed on said property, to the persons entitled thereto; but
in case any person or. persons on whose property is assessed any sum
or sums of money shall voluntarily pay the same into the Treasury of
the city of Baltimore, at any time before the expiration of thirty days
after the return of the. commissioners shall be made to the Register of
Said city, such person shall not be subject to pay the commission which
is herein after allowed to the city collector as a compensation for his
trouble in collecting any sum or sums of money assessed under this
& disposition
of monies.
4. And be. it enacted, That the said street shall not be extended or
opened through the property of any individual injured thereby, until
the damage by them sustained and assessed as aforesaid, shall be paid
or tendered to be paid to said individual or his agent.
Payment se-
5. And be it enacted, That in case the obstructions in said street
are not removed within thirty days after the payment or tender of pay-
ment of the damages as aforesaid, the said commissioners or a majo-
rity of them are hereby authorised and directed promptly to remove
the same at the expense of the party so delaying.
Remove ob-
6. And be it enacted, That the said street when so opened and ex-
tended shall be deemed and taken and is hereby declared to be a public
street and highway forever thereafter, and the said commissioners are
hereby required to return under their hands and seals a plot of said
street when opened and extended to the office of the Register of the
city of Baltimore there to be filed.
Public high-
way; plot.
7. And be it enacted, Th,at the said commissioners shall be allowed
three dollars a day for every day they shall be necessarily employed
in carrying into effect the provisions of this law, and that the said col-