Dec. Ses. 1823
lector shall be allowed a commission of three per cent upon all money
that he shall collect under this law, and that the said commissioners
or a majority of them shall have full power and authority to assess
and levy upon the person or persons benefitted by the opening and
extending the said street, such sum of money as may be necessary to
defray the expences incurred in the execution of this act.
8. And be it enacted, That the act entitled, an act for extending
North-street, now called Hillen-street, on the East-side of Jones'
Falls in the city of Baltimore, passed at December session, eighteen
hundred and sixteen, and the supplements thereto, passed at Decem-
ber session, eighteen hundred and seventeen and eighteen hundred
and twenty, be, and the same are hereby repealed.
9. And be it enacted, That nothing in this act contained shall be or
any force or effect until approved of by the Mayor and. City Council
of Baltimore.
Passed Feb,
14, 1824.
An act for the relief of Christopher Rader, of Frederick county.
. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the deed
from Thomas Shroyer of Frederick county, to Christopher Rader
of the same county, executed on the twenty seventh day of Septem-
ber in the year eighteen hundred and twenty three, be, and the same
is hereby declared to have all the force, and effect to transferring the
right and title of said Thomas Shroyer of in and to the land menti-
oned in said deed to said Christopher Rader as if the said Christo-
pher Rader had been regularly naturalised, at the time of its execu-
tion and in conformity to the laws of the Congress of the United
States, regulating the naturalization of Foreigners; Provided always,
that nothing contained in this act shall in any manner defeat or af-
fect any right title or claim to said property or any part thereof, ac-
quired or prosecuted by any person or persons, before the passage of
this act, And provided also, in case the said Christopher Rader hath
not as yet become a citizen of the United States, that unless he pro-
ceeds with all convenient speed according to law, to make himself a
citizen of the United States, this act shall have no force or effect to
confirm his title to the property above mentioned, but if the said
Christopher Rader should die before he can by using reasonable di-
ligence become a citizen of the United States nothing contained in
this, proviso shall prevent him from transmitting or transferring his
said property by descent or devise to any person or persons, being
citizens of the United States, and residing therein and capable in law
to hold the same.
Passed Feb.
14, 1824.
Time fixed.
An act to alter the time of holding the County Courts of Frederick County.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the county court of Frederick county, shall hereafter commence and
be held on the the first Monday in February instead of the first Mon-
day in March, and on the first Monday in August instead of the
fourth Monday in October.
2. And be it enacted, That in addition to the number of Jurors
which it is now by law the duty of the Sheriffs to summon in their
respective counties, it shall be the duty of the sheriffs of Frederick
county, to summon twenty-five suitable persons to attend the said
county court as petit Jurors on the fourth Monday of each term, and