Dec. Ses. 1823.
3 ing a ferry over the River Potomac, then the value of such ferry shall
be assessed to such person or persons in the damages aforesaid; and
provided also, that the damages assessed shall be fully paid or tender-
ed to the party entitled to receive the same, before the company afore-
said shall be entitled to exercise any act of possession or ownership
on the land aforesaid; whereas, the proprietors of Harper's Ferry
have obtained from this General Assembly several acts authorising
them to erect a bridge at that place, and have not availed themselves
of the provisions of any of said acts; and whereas, it is represented to
this General Assembly by the memorials of sundry respectable citi-
zens, that they are willing, nay, desirous, that the bridge should be
built by the proprietors of the ferry;—Therefore,
15. Be it enacted, That in case the proprietors of Harper's Ferry
shall, on or before the first day of next June, exhibit to the commis-
sioners named in the first section of this act, satisfactory evidence
that they the said proprietors, have actually made and entered into a
bona fide contract with some person or persons of known skill and
acknowledged reputation in the art of bridge building, for the erec-
tion and completion of a bridge at Harper's Ferry, by the first day of
January, eighteen hundred and twenty-six, that then every other part
of this act shall be null and void, otherwise to be and remain in full
force and effect.
Passed Feb.
10, 1824.
, CHAPTER 136.
An act for opening and extending North or Hillen-street in the city of Baltimore
Whereas, Hugh Thompson and others by their petition in writing
have set forth to this Gem-nil Assembly, that the public convenience
and health of the city of Baltimore would be greatly promoted by
opening and extending Hillen-street—Therefore,
ers and their
duty, &c.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Mayor of the city of Baltimore shall appoint five persons of expe-
rience, which said five persons shall be, and they are hereby appoint-
ed a board of commissioners to open and extend North or Hillen-
street from its intersection with High-street through to Jones' Falls
in the following manner, to wit: beginning at the North corner of
Thomas Hume's warehouse on High-street, and running thence
southwardly along the north west end wall of said house, thence by
the most convenient coarse or courses to and along the north west end
wall of Richard Middleton's dwelling house, unto the west corner
of said house on Jones'-street, thence southwardly to Jones' Falls in
such direction as shall appear to the said commissioners least expen-
sive and most conducive to the public convenience; the north west
side or line of said street to be run parallel to the south east side and
at the distance of fifty feet, so that the said street when so opened and
extended shall be fifty feet in width, from High-street to Jones' Falls;
and whenever a vacancy in the said board may occur by resignation,
death, refusal to act or any other inability of any of the said commis-
sioners, the said Mayor shall supply such vacancy by a new appoint-
ment, and a majority of said commissioners shall be competent to
perform all the duties of said board.
Damages &
2. And be it enacted, That the aforesaid commissioners or a majo-
rity of them, after giving at least ten days notice in one of the newspa-
pers in the city of Baltimore, after viewing the advantages and disad-
vantages shall proceed to value and assess on oath what damages may
be sustained by any person whatever by opening and extending said
street, and shall also declare what sum of money each individual or