M'Dowel's Ford, or Gilpin's Bridge, in a direction to the bridge
over Susquehannah near Rock-Run, till it intersects the county road
at or near Miller's Mill, thence to said bridge, occupying in the
whole extent as much of the county roads as the direction to said
bridge will admit of, and they may deem proper; and the said com-
missioners are hereby authorised and empowered, to lay the said
road on or over the located turnpike from said bridge towards
North East Creek, or any part thereof, if in their judgment it shall
Dec. Ses. 1821.
be most convenient or advantageous to the public; Provided, They
first obtain the consent of the directors of the turnpike company or
a majority of them, in writing, to lay it on or over that part of the
turnpike which is already laid out and cleared.
2. And be it enacted, That said commissioners are also
hereby authorised and empowered, to survey and locate a road not
exceeding thirty feet wide, clear of ditches, from said Susquehannah
Bridge, up said river along the canal as far as it is already made,
near to Mrs. Christie's, thence to intersect the Great Road leading
from Rock-Run, towards Lancaster, near Evans' orchard, in the
most convenient place.
Road from sus-
3. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of said com-
missioners, on or before the first day of June next, to cause plots
and certificates of said roads to be made out, and return the same to
the levy court of Cecil county at their first sitting thereafter; where-
upon it shall be the duty of said court to levy upon the assessable
property of said county, at the time of laying the county levy, mo-
ney sufficient for surveying, opening and clearing said roads; and to
appoint oversees or supervisors to open and clear said roads
agreeably to the plots and certificates aforesaid; and that said roads,
when opened and cleared as aforesaid, shall be, and the same are
hereby declared to be thereafter public roads, and shall be kept in
repair as other public roads are in said count}-.
4. And be it enacted, That said commissioners or a majori-
ty of them, shall have power to agree with persons through whose
lands the said roads may respectively pass, upon the amount of da-
mages sustained by them; and if the said commissioners cannot
make such agreement, then and in that case they shall value and as-
certain the damages so as aforesaid sustained by each and every
person or persons through whose lands the said roads may pass, by
opening the same, taking into consideration the advantages and dis-
advantages; and return said agreements or valuation, as the case
may be, to the levy court of said county, together with the plots and
certificates as above directed; and the damages so agreed upon,
or valuation, as the case may be, shall be levied and assessed as
other county charges are, and shall be paid over to the persons so
be levied.
as aforesaid endamaged; Provided nevertheless, That no money
shall be levied or assessed, for the purpose of paying the damages
aforesaid, until the said roads are opened and cleared, agreeably to
the directions of this act.
5. And be it enacted, That the said commissioners shall be
entitled to receive as a compensation for their services, a sum not
exceeding two dollars per day each, to be ascertained by the levy
court of said county; which is hereby directed to be levied and col-
lected and paid as other county charges are; and that a majority of