Dec. Ses. 1821.
accustomed to do or could do; and he shall have, exercise and use-
all and every the powers and authorities in and relating to the
same, as the attorney general heretofore had used and exercised, or
can have, use and exercise in similar cases; and he shall give his
opinion and advice whenever he shall be required by the general
assembly, or either branch thereof, by the governor and council, or
by the treasurer of the Eastern and Western Shore, or any deputy
he may appoint, on any matter or subject depending before them.
2. And be it enacted, That the attorney general appointed
and commissioned in virtue of this act, shall, before he enters upon
the duties of his office, take an oath that he will not directly or indi-
rectly receive any fee or reward for doing his office, but what is or
shall be allowed by law, nor will directly or indirectly receive the
profits, or any part of the profits of any office held by any other per-
son, nor claim or receive any fees for any business done by any de-
puty to be by him appointed; and that he does not hold the same
office in trust, or for the benefit of any other person; and that he
will not take either directly or indirectly, any fee or reward for the
appointment of any deputy to be by him made; and he shall also
take the oath prescribed by the act of seventeen hundred and seven-
ty-seven, Chapter five.
3. And be it enacted, That the attorney general shall have,
take and receive the same fees as the attorney general was author-
ised to take and receive prior to the act of eighteen hundred and
sixteen, chapter two hundred and forty-seven.
To aid depu-
ties if required.
4. And be it unacted, That it shall be the duty of the attor-
ney general, if required by the governor and council, to aid any
deputy which he may have appointed, in prosecuting any suit or
action brought by the state in any county court, or Baltimore city
court; and it shall and may be lawful for the governor and council,
to allow to the attorney general or to any deputy, such reasonable
fee or reward for prosecuting any suit or action to which the state
may be a party, or interested therein, as they may think right.
5. And be it enacted, That the attorney general appointed
and commissioned in virtue of this act, shall hold his commission
during good behavior, but may be removed by the governor upon
the address of the general assembly of Maryland.
6. And be it enacted, That the act passed at December ses-
sion eighteen hundred and seventeen, entitled, An act providing
for the appointment of an attorney general, and of district attornies
in the several judicial districts of this state, and for Baltimore city
court, and the supplement thereto, passed at December session
eighteen hundred and nineteen, be, and the same are hereby re-
Passed Jan. 25,
ers—to lay out
An act to lay out and make public two roads therein mentioned in
Cecil county.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted By the General Assembly of Maryland,
That John Evans, (of Robert,) Samuel Ramsey, Robert Evans,
James Maxwell and Alexander Scott, be, and they are hereby ap-
pointed commissioners for the purpose of surveying and locating a
road not exceeding thirty feet wide clear of ditches, from the town
of Elkton, in Cecil county, to cross the north east creek at or near