AN ACT amendatory of an act entitled an act
to establish and endow an Agricultural College
in Maryland, passed at January session, eigh-
teen hundred and fifty six, chapter ninety-
Passed March
10, 1858.
WHEREAS, it is represented to the Legislature that
the interests of the Maryland Agricultural Col-
lege will be greatly advanced by the probable in-
creased number of subscribers to the stock thereof
by reducing the amount of subscription to the
shares or stock in the same, thereby diffusing
more wide and general interest among the
agriculturists of the State; and also by grant-
ing to the District of Columbia a trustee for
the management of said institution in view of
the proximity of its location and site to said
District, and the great interest already mani-
fested by large subscriptions to its stock by the
inhabitants of that District; And whereas, it
it is also represented that the original act incor-
porating said institution contains no provisions
for filling vacancies occurring in the board of
trustees recently elected, without a general call
or meeting of stockholders; therefore,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That the amount of shares of
stock or subscription to the Maryland Agricultu-
ral College, incorporated by the act of eighteen
hundred and fifty-six, chapter ninety-seven, be
and the same is hereby repealed from twenty-five
dollars, as provided for by the first section of said
act, to five dollars per share.
Price of shares
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That there may be
a trustee selected and appointed from the District
of Columbia, and also one from the Eastern Shore
and one from the Western Shore, for the State at
large, for the conducting and mangement of said
institution, with like powers and authority with
the trustees authorised to be appointed from each
county and the city of Baltimore by the original
act to which this is amendatory.
Trustees to be