shall create the ground-rents thereby as aforesaid,
and in the manner therein indicated, and shall
have sold and disposed of said ground-rents, and
applied the proceeds of such sale to the payment
and discharge of the public debt of said county,
incurred as in said second section is set forth and
described, or shall have accomplished the same
object by the exercise of the powers conferred by
the third section of this act, then the said County
Commissioners shall make sill leases by them, of
any part of the said property thereafter created,
special in their character; that is to say, the said
leases shall be irredeemable, and non assignable,
or convertable by the said County Commissioners
but shall be specifically made payable only to the
said County Commissioners, and to no other party,
so that the said ground-rents, shall be forever the
exclusive property of the County Commissioners
of Baltimore county, to be held by them for the
use of the people of said county, the income of
which shall be applied in manner hereinafter
provided and required, and to no other purpose
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the income or
rents arising from the special leases authorised
by this act, shall be paid to the County Commis-
sioners of Baltimore county or their authorised
attorney, who shall pay the same over to the
County Commissioners when received, and shall
charge the same to the said officer in a detailed
account, to be kept by the said County Commis-
sioners of the said fund, and shall credit said ac-
counts with the necessary expenses incident to the
execution of the trust reposed by this act, and
with the receipts of the County Treasurer for the
respective amounts paid to him on such account
by them, from time to time.
Income from
special leases to
be paid County
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the said County
Commissioners in making their annual levy for
Baltimore county, shall credit said levy with such
amounts as they shall have received nett from said
special ground-rent fund, and deduct the same
therefrom, and shall have no power to levy for
any greater amount than the balance which may
be found after such deduction, and that said
ground-rent fund shall, under no circumstances,
be applied to any other object.
Annual levy
to be credited.