ceeding ten acres each, as they may deem advisa-
ble, having in such laying off and location
regard to the extension of the streets of Baltimore
city, into, and through the said property, and to
expose the said lots so laid off, from time to time,
in their discretion, at public sale, for lease, for
ninety-nine years renewable forever; Provided,
that in no event shall such public sale be had,
until after public notice thereof shall have first
been given, in two or more daily newspapers pub-
lished in Baltimore city, for at least three times a
week for three weeks, before the day fixed for
such sale; And provided further, that the sale of
said lots shall be for a ground rent, per foot,
fronting on the line of some one of the streets of
the City of Baltimore, as proposed to be extended
into and through the said Alms House estate.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the said Coun-
ty Commissioners are hereby authorised to execute
the necessary title papers, for the leases created
by virtue of the first section of this act, and to
sell the ground rents reserved therein, at public or
private sale as they may see fit, at not less than
eight per cent, the proceeds of which sales, shall
be set apart exclusively to be applied to the pay-
ment and discharge of the entire debt incurred
by said County Commissioners in the acquisition
of said estate, and to the payment of all expen-
ses which may be incident to the execution of the
powers conferred by this act, whether arising out
of the survey and location of the lots, the execu-
tion of title papers, or otherwise, and shall be
used for no other purpose whatever.
invested with
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the said Coun-
ty Commissioners, shall have power in their dis-
cretion, instead of the authority vested by the
second section of this act, to create the leases
therein named, to sell in fee simple at public sale,
at such time and place as they may designate,
having first given not less than three weeks public
notice of said sale, in two or more daily newspa-
pers published in the City of Baltimore, so much
of the said Alms House property which may be-
long to them, as may be necessary.
Money — how
to be applied.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That if the said Coun-
ty Commissioners shall elect to act in the pre-
mises under the second section of this act, and