Passed March
10, 1856.
A FURTHER additional supplement to an act, enti-
tled an act to incorporate a company for the pur.
pose of cutting and making a canal between the
river Delaware and the Chesapeake Bay, passed at
November session, seventeen hundred and ninety-
nine, chapter sixteen; and to enable said company
to create a mortgage, and to make valid certain pro-
ceedings therein mentioned.
Company au-
thorised to ex-
ecute a mort-
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the Chesapeake and Delaware
Canal Company, be and the said company is hereby
fully authorised and empowered to execute a mort-
gage of all the franchises, works, estate and property
of the said corporation, for the purpose of securing
the payment of the principal and interest of all or any
part of the loans and debts of said corporation, or
company now due, or hereafter to become due, and
the principal and interest of all loans and debts that
shall hereafter be taken or contracted by said corpora-
tion or company.
Mortgage to
be recorded.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That any mortgage to
be executed for the purpose aforesaid, and delivered
to a Trustee or Trustees for the holders of a loan to be
named by the said company, and shall be recorded by
the Clerk of the Circuit Court for Cecil county in the
said record books of said county.
Deed made
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That a certain instru-
ment of writing or deed of mortgage, made and ex-
ecuted by the said Chesapeake and Delaware Canal
Company to George Cadwallader, Edward Yarnall,
and Francis Cope, of the city of Philadelphia, dated
the third day of July, in the year one thousand eight
hundred and fifty-five, and recorded in Liber H. H. M.
number five, folio eighteen, &c.; one of the said record
books of Cecil county aforesaid, be and the same is
hereby made and declared to be as valid and effectual
in law to all intents and purposes as if the said instru-
ment of writing or deed of mortgage had been made
and executed subsequently to the passage of this act
of assembly, and in strict accordance with the provi-
sions hereof; and also as if the affidavit of the mort-
gagees therein named had been made and endorsed
thereon, and the execution and acknowledgement
thereof, had been made in all respects in conformity