with the laws of this State regulating the execution
and acknowledgement of montages.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That unless the said
Chesapeake and Delaware Canal Company, shall sig-
nify to the Governor of this State, by an instrument
of writing under the corporate seal of the said com-
pany within one year from the passage of this act, its
acceptance thereof, then this act shall be void.
Company to
signify its ac-
ceptance of
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That this act shall
take effect from its passage.
In force.
AN ACT to amend an act passed at January session,
eighteen hundred and fifty-three, chapter four hun-
dred and nine, entitled an act requiring new bonds
to be given by the clerk of the Court of Common
Pleas of Baltimore City, by the clerk of the Supe-
rior Court of Baltimore City, and by the Register
of Wills of Baltimore City.
Passed Mar,
10, 1856.
WHEREAS, by the act of the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, passed at January session, eighteen hundred
and fifty-three, chapter four hundred and nine, enti-
tled an act requiring new bonds to be given by the
clerk of the Court of Common Pleas of Baltimore
City, by the clerk of the Superior Court of Balti-
more City, and by the Register of Wills of Balti-
more City, the period of the duration of said bonds
is not declared, nor is there any provision for a
renewal of the same; and whereas, the object of
requiring bonds from public servants invested with
high and important trusts, and who receive large
amounts of public moneys, is to insure a faithful
performance of duties, and afford a safeguard to
the community and State against neglect and mal-
versation, the bond should always be ample for the
penalty; and whereas, it is manifestly proper that
some provision should be made whereby the suffi-
ciency of sureties and bonds so given may from
time to time be attested; therefore,