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Session Laws, 1856
Volume 623, Page 407   View pdf image
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with the provisions of the above section be and the
same, are hereby repealed, Provided, the said New
Castle and Frenchtown Turnpike and Railroad Com-
pany shall within one year from the passage of this
act accept the same, and signify their acceptance in
writing and under the seal of the company to the
Governor of the State.



AN ACT authorising Sarah Elizabeth Bowen, wife
of James Albert Bowen, to execute a deed to Wil-
liam Denny.

Passed Mar.
10, 1856.

WHEREAS, it has been represented to the General
Assembly, that James Albert Bowen, of Queen
Anne's county, being heretofore seized in fee, sold
to William Denny of the said county, a lot or par-
cel of land called "Stevens' Delight," supposed to
contain one half acre of land, improved by a dwel-
ling house and out buildings, and situated in the
village of Stevensville, on Kent Island, in the coun-
ty aforesaid, adjoining the land of Henry Newnam
and John Merchant, and on the right side of the
road leading from Love Point to Kent Point, that
the said William Denny is now in the peaceable
and quiet possession of the said premises, and is anx-
ious to obtain a good and sufficient title to the same,
but is unable to do so in consequence of Sarah
Elizabeth Bowen, the wife of said James A. Bowen,
not being of sufficient age to join in a deed con-
veying said real estate, that it is also represented
that the said Sarah Elizabeth Bowen is willing to
unite with her said husband in such deed, but for
the reason hereinbefore stated, therefore,


SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That Sarah Elizabeth Bowen, wife of
James Albert Bowen, be and she is hereby authorised
and empowered, with her said husband, to make, ex-
ecute and acknowledge in due form of law, to the said
William Denny, his heirs and assigns, a deed of con-

Authorised to
make a valid

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Session Laws, 1856
Volume 623, Page 407   View pdf image
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