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Session Laws, 1856
Volume 623, Page 406   View pdf image
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and to belong and appertain to the company incorpo-
rated by this act, and as soon as the same shall be or-
ganized as hereinbefore provided.

SEC. 19. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
effect and have full operation from the day and date of
its passage.


In force.

AN ACT to authorise the New Castle and French-
town Turnpike and Railroad Company to abandon
that portion of said Railroad lying in the State
of Maryland, and to use the materials in the
construction of the Elkton and Sassafras River
Railroad, also to allow said company to run their
boats from Sassafras river to Baltimore.

Passed Mar.
10, 1856.

SECTION 1. Belt enacted by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That the New Castle and French-
town Turnpike and Railroad Company, be and it is
hereby permitted and authorised to abandon so much
of their railroad as lies in the State of Maryland be-
tween the line dividing the State of Delaware and Ma-
ryland, and Frenchtown on Elk river, or such part
thereof as said company may think proper, and trans-
fer and appropriate to the Elkton and Sassafras river
railroad company, to be used and employed in the
construction of said Elkton and Sassafras river rail-
road, all the wood, rail, stone, buildings and other
materials now used and employed in the construction
of such part of said New Castle and Frenchtown
Turnpike and Railroad, as may under and by virtue
of this act be abandoned by said New Castle and
Frenchtown Turnpike and Railroad Company, to-
gether with the boat or boats belonging to the same
upon such terms and conditions as may be mutually
agreed on by said companies.

Company au-
thorised to a-

SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That such part or parts
of the charter of said New Castle and Frenchtown
Turnpike and Railroad Company, and of the several
supplements thereto as may conflict or be inconsistent


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Session Laws, 1856
Volume 623, Page 406   View pdf image
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