SEC. 15. And be it enacted, That if any person or
persons shall wilfully and knowingly break, injure or
destroy the railroad, or any part thereof, to be erect-
ed by the said company in pursuance of this act, or
shall in any manner obstruct the free passage along
the said railroad, he, she, or they shall forfeit and
pay to the said company three times the actual dam-
ages so sustained, to be sued for and recovered with
costs of suit, before any Justice of the Peace, or in
any court having cognizance thereof, by action of
debt, or on the case, in the name and for the use of
the said company.
Persons injur-
ing road to for-
SEC. 16. And be it enacted, That this company
shall have power from time to time, and at all times,
to increase its capital stock by additional subscrip-
tions to the amount of three hundred thousand dollars;
and from time to time to borrow money for corporate
purposes or uses, not exceeding in the aggregate of
the whole amount so borrowed, two hundred thou-
sand dollars, and to mortgage the property of the
said company for that purpose.
Authorised to
increase capi-
tal stock.
SEC. 17. And be it enacted, That the said compa-
ny shall have full power to purchase and hold all real
estate necessary for the purposes of the said rail-
road, or any of their works; to buy and build wharves,
houses and shops for corporate purposes, to purchase
and hold steamboats to ply in connection with the
said road, to and from the city of Baltimore, and to
contract with the owner or owners of any steamboat
or steamboats for transportation and passage to and
from the said road, to and from the city of Baltimore ;
and when the final survey or any part of the said
road shall be made by the company's engineer, such
survey shall be recorded in the clerk's office of the
county where the land surveyed is situated, and the
record thereof shall be evidence of the route and
limits of the said road.
Power to hold
real estate, &c.
SEC. 18. And be it enacted, That all the property
and effects of every description, lying and being in
Cecil county which were by the Eastern Shore Rail-
road Company, incorporated by the act of assembly
passed at December session, eighteen hundred and
thirty-five, chapter two hundred and thirty-eight,
transferred or assigned and surrendered to the State
of Maryland, be and the same are hereby granted to,
and by this act, so far as the same are hereby granted
to, and by this act so far as the same may be lawfully
done, transferred to and declared to be the property of