passed at December session, eighteen hundred and twen-
ty, chapter one hundred and sixty-four, entitled an act
incorporating into one, the several acts relating to con-
stables' fees, as prescribes the fees to be received by con-
stables for serving warrants and return, serving sum-
mons and returns, levying fieri facias, and for dispersing
tumultuous meetings of negroes, be and the same is
hereby repealed, so far as the same relates to Prince
George's county.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That from and after the
first day of June next, the several constables 'within
said county shall be entitled to have and receive for ser-
ving and returning said process, the fees hereinafter
limited and allowed by this act: for serving all summons
and returns fifty cents, for levying fieri facias and re-
turn fifty cents, for dispersing tumultuous meetings
of negroes per year, such sum as the Commissioners'
Court may think proper to allow, not exceeding twenty-
fire dollars.
Fees al-
AN ACT further amendatory of the act entitled an act
to incorporate the Cumberland and Pennsylvania
Rail Road Company.
27, 1856.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the Cumberland and Pennsylvania
Railroad Company, be and it is hereby invested with all
the rights, franchises, powers, privileges, authorities,
immunities, and advantages, for the surveying, locating,
establishing and constructing an extension of its present
Rail Road, from its terminus at the mines, near the
town of Frostburg, to such point or points in the Valley
of George's Creek, as lie north of the boundary line
which separates the lands of the George's creek coal and
iron company, from the lands known as the Aspinwall
purchase, and for the using, preserving and control-
ling said present Rail Road and the extension thereof,
hereinbefore provided for, and the necessary vehicles
and appurtenances thereto belonging, and every part
thereof, which by its original charter, and more especi-
Power to
to extend