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Session Laws, 1856
Volume 623, Page 12   View pdf image
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ally the twelfth, thirteenth, fourteenth and fifteenth sec-
tions thereof, were for the lawful purposes of said com-
pany, and the benefit of its corporators, given, granted,
authorised and secured to the said company, and to the
President and Directors respectively. And that the
said company be and it is authorised and empowered to
have, hold, use, manage, work and control said road
and extension in the same way, and with the same rights,
powers and franchises, and subject to the same duties
.and restrictions, as if the same had been constructed
under the original act to which this is an amendment.

to borrow

SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the President and
Directors of said company, or a majority of them, shall
have power and authority, to borrow money for the pur-
pose of constructing such extension, and for equipping
the same with motive power, cars, and all other work-
ing appurtenances, for the payment of the liabilities, and
for the objects and purposes of said company — and to
make and execute bonds and certificates of indebtedness
under the seal of said company, for such sum or sums,
and payable at such time or times, and to sell or dispose
of the same in such manner as to the said President
and Directors, or a majority of them may seem proper,
and to pledge the entire road including such extension,
property and income of said company, to secure the
payment thereof; Provided, nothing herein contained
shall be taken to authorise the said company to issue
any thing in the nature of a Bank-Note or other paper
to be used or circulated as a currency.

from obli-
gation of

SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the said Cumberland
and Pennsylvania Railroad Company, be and it is hereby
wholly relieved from any obligation to construct a Rail
Road to the Pennsylvania line, and that the twentieth
section of said original act imposing a forfeiture in
relation thereto, be and the same is hereby repealed.

Power to

SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the said company

in making such extension, shall have power to purchase
or condemn such lands as may be necessary to attain a
proper grade over or through the hill at Frostburg, even
though the course of such road shall not be direct, but

Road to be
for general
use within
four years.

SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That this act shall take ef-
fect from the day of its passage; But if the said Cum-
berland and Pennsylvania Rail Rail Company shall not
commence the extended Rail Road authorised by this
act within two years from the day of the passage of this
act, or shall not complete the said Rail Road and equip
the same for general use within four years from the date

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Session Laws, 1856
Volume 623, Page 12   View pdf image
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