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Session Laws, 1856
Volume 623, Page 10   View pdf image
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27th, 1856.

AN ACT amendatory of an act, passed January session,
eighteen hundred and fifty-four, chapter one hundred
and fifty-six, entitled, an act for the relief of the sure-
ties on the bonds of William Lyles, of Thos., former
collector for the third collection district of Prince
George's county.


SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That so much of the first section of the act
passed January session, eighteen hundred and fifty four,
chapter one hundred and fifty-six, entitled an act for the
relief of the sureties on the bonds of William Lyles, of '
Thomas, former collector of the third collection district
of Prince George's county, as prescribes and limits the
time for the payment by said sureties of the State claims
against said Lyles, be and the same is hereby repealed.

entitled to
benefit of

SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That in case the said sure-
ties shall pay the one-half of any balance of principal now
due on the State's claim against the said Lyles, on or
before the first day of August next, and the residue of
said principal on or before the first day of February,
eighteen hundred and fifty-seven, with all interest which
has or may accrue on said principal from the passage of
the act to which this is amendatory; then and in that
case the said sureties shall have and be entitled to all
the benefit of the provisions of the said original act to
which this is amendatory.

In force.

SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
effect from its passage.


27, 1856.

AN ACT amendatory of an act, passed December ses-
sion, eighteen hundred and twenty, chapter one hun-
dred and sixty-four, entitled an act incorporating into
one, the several acts relating to constables' fees.


SEC. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland That so much of the first section of the act

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Session Laws, 1856
Volume 623, Page 10   View pdf image
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