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Session Laws, 1955
Volume 620, Page 1245   View pdf image (33K)
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THEODORE R. McKELDIN, GOVERNOR                  1245

Resolved, That the three collaborating agencies be requested to
submit their report to the General Assembly and to the Governor
not later than November 1, 1955.

No. 7
(Senate Joint Resolution 10)

Senate Joint Resolution to create a special commission to study the
possibility for the State of Maryland being a self-insurer with
respect to fire insurance on State-owned buildings.

WHEREAS, The State of Maryland has all the essentials needed for
becoming a self-insurer with respect to fire insurance on State-owned
buildings; and

WHEREAS, the State owns many pieces of valuable property widely
scattered in location and therefore presenting no dangerous accumu-
lation of potential fire loss; and

WHEREAS, the State could very prudently set up its own insurance
system on these buildings, thus avoiding the constant cost of 'insur-
ance premiums with private underwriters; and

WHEREAS, the fact that the State's physical plant is being con-
stantly modernized and improved serves steadily to reduce the danger
from fire loss and make the plan for self-insurance more feasible
year by year; and

WHEREAS, the State now pays some $350,000 annually for fire
insurance premiums with private underwriters and usually collects
less than one-third of that sum in damage claims; now therefore be it

Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That a special
five-man commission be created to study the possibilities for the State
of Maryland becoming a self-insurer with respect to fire insurance on
State-owned buildings to consist of one member appointed by the
President of the Senate, one member appointed by the Speaker of the
House of Delegates and three members appointed by the Governor of
Maryland; and be it further

Resolved, That the special commission be requested to organize
promptly upon appointment and to give close and detailed considera-
tion to the problems involved in the transition from private under-
writing to self-insurance; and be it further

Resolved, That all officers and agencies of the State Government
having information or data which could be of use to the commission
be requested to make the full facilities of their offices and agencies

EXPLANATION: Italics indicate new matter added to existing law.
[Brackets] indicate matter stricken from existing law.
CAPITALS indicate amendments to bill.
Strike out indicates matter stricken out of bill.


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Session Laws, 1955
Volume 620, Page 1245   View pdf image (33K)
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