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Session Laws, 1955
Volume 620, Page 1246   View pdf image (33K)
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1246                             JOINT RESOLUTIONS

available to the commission during the course of its work; and be it

Resolved, That the commission on self-insurance be requested to
submit its report to the Governor prior to the regular session of the
General Assembly in 1956 in order that the Governor may transmit
the report to this Body when it convenes in February, 1956.

No. 8
(Senate Joint Resolution 13)

Senate Joint Resolution commending the individuals and groups
responsible for the instigation and perpetuation of the Maryland-
Cornell Automotive Crash Injury Research program.

Injuries and deaths resulting from highway accidents are a matter
of grave and continuing concern in Maryland. Despite many excellent
measures taken to prevent accidents, the total number of people killed
and injured have not decreased during recent years. During 1953,
524 men, women and children were killed in highway accidents within
the state borders, while 14,565 were injured in degrees varying from
minor to a substantial proportion of permanent disabilities. During
1954, 521 persons were killed, and 14,761 were injured.

In the face of this serious situation, there is one encouraging de-
velopment that holds great promise of future corrective measures
aimed at reducing the consequences of accidents.

This is a cooperative program known as Automotive Crash Injury
Research in which the Maryland State Police Department, the Mary-
land Traffic Safety Commission, the Maryland Chief Medical Ex-
aminer, and the Medical and Chirurgical faculty of Maryland are
collaborating with Cornell University Medical College. This program
is part of an interstate effort which is now heralded by safety experts
and organizations throughout the country as one of the most pro-
gressive safety research projects in years. This research effort is
producing important new information concerning the specific me-
chanical causes of personal injuries and deaths in passenger car
accidents. This information can be used by auto manufacturers as
a basis for the design of future automobiles which will offer more
protection when accidents happen. The successful progress of this
study shows great promise of reducing a substantial proportion of
the needless and excessive injuries seen today.

Participating groups in Maryland were among the first to join
this important research program. Much of its successful develop-
ment has been due to the unusual foresight displayed by the Mary-
land Traffic Safety Commission, Maryland State Police and medical
officials in seeing the possibilities of such an activity.

EXPLANATION: Italics indicate new matter added to existing law.
[Brackets] indicate matter stricken from existing law.
CAPITALS indicate amendments to bill.
Strike out indicates matter stricken out of bill.


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Session Laws, 1955
Volume 620, Page 1246   View pdf image (33K)
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