direction for a distance of approximately 0.8 miles to intersect the
center line of U. S. Route No. 301 (Crain Highway); thence with the
center line of the Crain Highway in a southwesterly direction for a
distance of approximately 2.2 "miles to intersect the center line of
Maryland Route No. 424; thence with the center line of said Mary-
land Route No. 424 in a northivesterly direction 0.4 miles to inter-
sect the center line of the Little Patuxent River; thence along the
center line of the Little Patuxent River in a southerly direction
approximately 2.25 miles to the junction with the Patuxent River
and to intersect the Prince George's County Line; thence north-
westerly along the center line of the Patuxent River and with the
boundary line of Prince George's County 8.6 miles to intersect the
center line of the Baltimore-Washington Expresstvay; thence con-
tinuing along the center line of the Patuxent River and with the
boundary line of Prince George's County in a northerly direction 2.5
miles to intersect the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad and the boundary
line of Howard County; thence in a northeasterly direction with the
boundary line between Howard and Anne Arundel County as now
established, approximately 7.4 miles to the place of beginning.
The above description based primarily on map of Anne Arundel
County, prepared by the State of Maryland, Department of Geology,
Mines and Water Resources, dated 1949, 1954 Revised Edition.
303. (Description of District Five.) Beginning for the same at
a point ivhere the center line of Maryland State Route 176 intersects
the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad and running from thence and with
the center line of said State Road, in a southeasterly direction, 0.55
miles to the center line intersection of said road with the County
Road leading from Dorsey to Georgetown (Race Road), thence with
the center line of Race Road, in a southerly direction, 0.55 miles to a
point where the driveway leading to the home of D. T. Heilman inter-
sects the County Road; thence cutting across country in a straight
line, 1.53 miles to the center line intersection of Maryland Route
176 and Route 713; thence with the center line of Route 176, 0.55
miles in an easterly direction to where the center line of the old
County Road leading from Harmons to Dorsey intersects the same;
thence with the center line of the old County Road in an easterly
direction, 0.4 miles to the center line of the Pennsylvania Railroad;
thence running across country in a straight line in a southeasterly
direction, 0.85 miles to the intersection of Maryland Route 170 at
the driveway leading to the house of H. E. Wagner; thence in a
northeasterly direction and with the north boundary of Wagner's
farm (formerly John Smith) 0.7 miles to the head of a small stream,
a tributary of Saw Mill Branch; thence down said stream, in a
southeasterly direction, 0.85 miles to Saw Mill Branch; thence with
the center line of the Saw Mill Branch in a northeasterly direction
1.1 miles to intersect the center line of the Old Annapolis Stage
Coach Road; thence with the center line of Old Annapolis Stage
Road in a southerly direction 270 feet to intersect the center
line of Stewart Avenue; thence along the center line of Stewart
Avenue in an easterly direction approximately 0.50 miles to inter-
sect the center line of Fifth Avenue, S. E., thence along the center
line of Fifth Avenue in a southeasterly and in an easterly direction,
approximately 0.9 miles to intersect the center line of Maryland
Route No. 2 (Governor Ritchie Highway); thence in a straight line