in an easterly direction and running across the property of the
Board of Education at Glen Burnie High School O.4 miles to a point
in the center line of the Old Baltimore-Annapolis Boulevard (Rt. 648)
where the center line of Amberly Road projected in the Harundale
Subdivision intersects the Old Baltimore-Annapolis Boulevard (Rt.
648); thence in a southeasterly direction along the center line of
the Baltimore-Annapolis Boulevard approximately 0.80 miles to the
center line of Marley Creek; thence with the center line of Marley
Creek in a general northeasterly direction for a distance of 2.5
miles to where Marley Creek empties into Curtis Creek; thence
with the center line of Curtis Creek in a northeasterly and north-
westerly direction 1.6 miles to the Metropolitan District Line of
Baltimore City; thence with the Metropolitan District Line of Balti-
more City in a northwesterly direction 2.95 miles to intersect the
center line of the Patapsco River; thence with the center line of the
Patapsco River in a general southwesterly direction approximately
5 miles to where the Mouth of Deep Creek, also known as Deep Run
enters the Patapsco River and where the boundary line of Baltimore
County, Howard County and Anne Arundel County intersects; thence
with the center line of Deep Creek, also known as Deep Run, in a
southwesterly direction and with the boundary line of Howard
County approximately 3.8 miles to the place of beginning.
The above description based primarily on map of Anne Arundel
County, prepared by the State of Maryland Department of Geology,
Mines and Water Resources, dated 1949, 1954 Revised Edition.
303 A. (Description of District Six.) All that area or part of
Anne Arundel County, Maryland, included within the metes and
bounds hereinafter stated; saving and excepting therefrom all United
States Government Property included within said area. Said area
being described as follows:
Beginning for the same at a concrete monument near the mouth of
Back Creek, said monument being coordinate station number 11255
of the Annapolis Metropolitan Seiverage District and distant north
18S09.9S feet and east 30729.69 feet from the origin of coordinates
located at Latitude north 38° 55' Longitude west 76° 35' (1927
datum) and running from said point of beginning the following
course and distances, to wit: south 44° 03' 50" east 274-96 feet to a
concrete "monument number 11256; thence south 20° 13' 40" east
286.92 feet to a point near the highwater line of the Severn River;
thence leaving the Severn River and running south 50° 34' 50" west
217.88 feet to a concrete monument number 11016; thence south 28°
19' 40" west 300.00 feet to a concrete monument number 11017;
thence south 75° 18' 50" west 309.95 feet to a point near the west
side of a private road; thence south 4° 25' 50" east 476.80 feet to a
concrete monument number 11019; thence south 26° 01' 40" west
308.70 feet to an iron spike set in place of a bounded stone in the
property line between Bembe Estate and the former property of
William Edward Carr; thence south 15° 2V west 342.16 feet; thence
south 14° 41' 40" east 344-02 feet to a concrete monument number
11022 near the west side of a SO foot road; thence south Ul° OS' UO"
west 334-06 feet to a concrete monument number 11023; thence
south 52° 15' 10" west S42.48 feet; thence south 3° 28' 00" east
279.37 feet; thence SOUTH 06° 09' 20" WEST 495.77 FEET TO CON-
CRETE MONUMENT number 11026 near the south side of an exist-