deem necessary for effecting the objects of the company,
as authorised by this act, call for monthly, or other in-
stalments from time to time, of the capital stock sub-
scribed, after giving public notice thereof of not less
than thirty days, to apply the funds so received, and all
other funds belonging to the company to effect the ob-
ject aforesaid; to provide for declaring and paying to
the stockholders dividends of the profits arising from
the operations of said company; to prescribe and pro-
Transfers of
vide for the manner and evidence of transfers of the
capital stock, to enforce payment thereof, as also to
prescribe the conditions of forfeiture in cases of non-
payment, and to dispose of all or any such forfeited
stock as they in their discretion shall deem proper, and
generally to do, execute or authorise to be done and
executed, all such acts, deeds, conveyances or other
writings, and make, revise, alter or annul all such by-
laws, ordinances, resolutions, rules and regulations, not
inconsistent with the laws of this State, or of the United
States, or with the corporate rights of the city of Balti-
more, as the president and directors, or a majority of
them may deem necessary, useful or convenient, and
which shall be competent to the full and beneficial ex-
ercise of, and carrying into effect the powers above
enumerated, and all other powers, rights and privileges
granted to, and vested in the Curtis' Creek Wharf and
Railroad company incorporated by this act.
Property to be
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the said president
and directors, or their agent or agents authorised by
them may agree with the owner or owners of any land,
earth or materials, or any improvements which may be
wanted for the construction or repairs of their railroad, or
roads or, any of their works, for the purchase or use and
occupation of the same, and if they cannot agree, or if the
owner or owners, or any of them, be an infant, feme
covert, non compos mentis, or out of the county where
such properly wanted may lie, when such property
may be wanted, application may be made to any jus-
tice of the peace of such county, who shall thereupon
issue his warrant under his hand and seal, to the sheriff
of the county, requiring him to summon a jury of twen-
ty of the inhabitants, not related to the parties, nor in
anywise interested, to meet on the lands, or near the
materials or other properly wanted, on a day named in
said warrant, not less than ten nor more than twenty
days after issuing the same, and if at said time and
place any of the said jurors, summoned do not attend,
the sheriff shall immediately summon as many persons
similarly qualified, as together with those in attendance,