will furnish a pannel of twenty jurors in attendance,
and from the pannel each party, his, her, its, or their
agents or attorneys, or if either party be not. present in
person or by agent, the sheriff for him, her or them,
may strike off four persons, and the remaining twelve
shall act us the jury of the inquest of damages; and to
each, before he acts as such juror, the sheriff shall ad-
minister an oath or affirmation, that he will justly and
impartially value the damages which the owner or
owners will sustain by the use or occupation of the
same, required by the company; and the said jury
shall reduce their inquisition to writing, and sign and
seal the same, ami it shall be returned by the sheriff to
the clerk of the circuit court for his county, and be filed
by said clerk in his office, and shall be confirmed by
the said court at its next term or session, if no sufficient
cause to the contrary be shown, and when confirmed,
shall be recorded by said clerk at the expense of the
company, but if the same be set aside, the said court
shall direct another inquisition to be taken, in the man-
ner above prescribed, and the inquisition shall in alt
cases describe the property taken, or the bounds of the
lands condemned, and the quantity or duration of the
interest in the same, valued for the company, and
such valuation when paid or tendered to the owner or
owners of the properly, his, her or their legal represen-
tatives, shall entitle said company to the estate and in-
terest, in the same thus valued, as if it had been legally
conveyed by the owner or owners of the same, and the
valuation if not received when tendered may at any
time thereafter be received without costs from the said
company by the owner or owners, his, her or their le-
gal representatives.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That the president and
directors of said company shall have power to issue
bonds or certificates of indebtedness under the seal of
said company in such sum or sums, not less than one
hundred dollars, as the said company may see proper,
and to sell and dispose of the same upon such terms as
to said company may seem proper, and pledge the pro-
perty and profits of said company to secure the pay-
ment thereof; and also, with power to convert the
bonds so issued into capital slock of said company,
upon such terms as may be agreed upon between the
holder or holders of said bonds, and said president and
Issue of bonds.