mond, including the part leased to said Schroeder by
Hammond, was allotted to William K. Boote and
Sarah his wife, which Sarah was the daugter of the
said William Russell and Frances his wife ; and the
said William R. Boote and wife, by deed, bearing
date on the third day of May, in the year eighteen
hundred and ten, granted and conveyed unto the said
Henry Schroeder, his heirs and assigns, all their
right, title and interest in and to the said twenty-
eight acres and seventeen perches of land, which deed
would have extinguished the right of every other per-
son to the said land held by said Schroeder, if the said
Hammond had not on his assignments, or under
leases, made the rent payable to himself; and it is now
desirable that Robert Casey and Elizabeth his wife,
which last was the executrix of the last will and tes-
tament of the said John Hammond, should be author-
ised to assign and convey any supposed interest
which might still remain in the estate of said John
Hammond : — Therefore,
Robert Casey
and wife are au-
thorised to con-
vey certain
land Its boun-
daries, &c.
Deed shall be
good under a
certain provi-
BE IT ENACTED by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Robert Casey and Elizabeth his wife,
be, and they are hereby authorised to assign and con-
vey unto the said Henry Schroeder, his executors,
administrators and assigns, by a good and sufficient
deed of assignment, all the right, title, and interest and
estate which the said John Hammond had at the time
of his death, in and to the said twenty-eight acres and
seventeen perches of land, part of Welsh's Adventure,
beforementioned, and which land is included within the
lines following, that is to say : beginning for the same
on the north-west side of Cove-street, and on the cen-
tre of a street laid out by said John Hammond and said
Henry Schroeder, called Hammond-street, the said be-
ginning being also at the end of the first line of that part
of said tract assigned by said Hammond to said Schroe-
der, on the fifteenth day of August, in the year eighteen
hundred and three, and running thence, bounding on
Cove-street north-westwardly to the end of the third
line of that part of said tract which was assigned by
the said Hammond to the said Schroeder on the thir-
teenth day of April, in the year seventeen hundred and
ninety-nine, being the end of the north eighty-six de-
grees east, thirty-seven and a half perches line thereof;
thence reversing said line, and bounding thereon south
eighty-six degrees, west thirty-seven and a half perch-
es, to the end of the north eighty-five degrees, east for-
ty-eight perches line of one other part assigned by
said Hammond to said Schroeder on the thirteenth