company, shall be and are hereby authorised to contract
with any other company for running their cars and locomo-
tives over the rail road of any such company connecting
with that of the Baltimore and Susquehanna rail road
company, or with that of the York and Maryland Line
rail road company, whenever in the opinion of said pre-
sident and directors, or a majority of them, the interests
of the said Baltimore and Susquehanna rail road com-
pany, would be promoted by such arrangements.
CHAP 421.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the General Assem-
bly may at any time repeal or alter this act, or annul
any contract which may be entered into by virtue
Rights reserved.
An act to provide for rebuilding a School House, in
Saint Mary's County.
Passed Mar. 7,
WHEREAS, it is represented that school house number
three, in the fifth election district, of Saint Mary's county,
has been destroyed by fire — Therefore,
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the commissioners of tax for said county, be and
they are hereby authorised, if in their discretion the
public interest should require it, to levy upon the taxa-
ble properly of said county such amount of money as
they may think proper, to be paid over to the trustees of
school number three, in the fifth election district of said
county, for the purpose of defraying part, or the whole,
of the cost of rebuilding said school house.
May levy.
An act to allow James H. Barwick, former Collector
of State taxes for Caroline County, further time to
complete his Collections.
Passed Mar. 7,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the time allowed by law to James
Time extended.