CHAP. 419.
be appropriated by said president and directed for the
purposes mentioned in the second section of the act of
eighteen hundred and forty-five, chapter ninety-three,
except, as to the payment of the notes of the company,
and also towards relaying the track of the Westminster
branch of their rail road, and in appropriating such mo-
nies, said president and directors shall be liable for their
misapplication in the manner prescribed by the said se-
cond section of the aforesaid act.
for negotiating.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the president and
directors of said company, shall be and are hereby au-
thorised to pay reasonable commissions, not. exceeding
five per centum, for negotiating or selling said bonds;
provided, no such bond or evidence of debt be sold at
less than the par value of the same.
acts repealed.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That all acts of Assem-
bly, inconsistent with the provisions of this act, in so far
only as they are .go inconsistent, be and the same are
hereby repealed.
Passed Mar. 7,
A further supplement to an act entitled, an act to In-
corporate the Baltimore and Susquehanna Rail Road
To make perm-
anent contract.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the president and directors of the
Baltimore and Susquehanna rail road company, or a
majority of them, be and they are hereby authorised and
empowered to make a permanent contract and agree-
ment with the president and directors of the York and
Cumberland rail road company, for the purpose of fur-
nishing every reasonable facility at York, to the York
and Cumberland rail road company, for the transmission,
of cars, tonnage, mail and passengers to and from its
road at York, and of so regulating the charges of the
Baltimore and Susquehanna rail road company as to
make them at an uniform rate of tolls and motive power
per ton per mile, and at an uniform charge per passen-
ger per mile, to and from Baltimore and Wrightsville,
and to and from Baltimore and York, and between Bal-
timore and Wrightsville.
To make con-
tract with any
other company.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the president and
directors of the Baltimore and Susquehanna rail road.