CHAP. 19.
county, and other portions thereof in other counties of
this Slate; and whereas, it appears that the said deed
was duly executed, acknowledged and recorded amongst
the land records of Baltimore county, but that it has not
been recorded in the other counties in which the real
estate thereby conveyed is situated—Therefore,
Clerks to re-
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That upon the presentation of a copy of the
said deed, duly authenticated by the clerk of Baltimore
county court, to the clerks of the counties other than
Baltimore, in which the real estate mentioned in the
said deed is situated, it shall he the duty of the said
clerks to record the same amongst the land records of
said county.
Records to be
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the record of the
deed provided for by the first section of this act, shall
be as effectual to convey the title of the grantors and
all claiming under them by title, prior to the execution
of the said deed, as if the original deed had been re-
corded in each of said counties at the time of its exe-
Jan. 19, 1848.
An act to allow Robert W. Carter , trustee of Thomas
F. W. Vinson, deceased, late sheriff and collector of
Montgomery county, further time to complete his collec-
Authorised to
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That Robert W. Carter, trustee of Thomas F.
W. Vinson, deceased, late sheriff and collector of Mont-
gomery county, or any trustee who may be appointed
hereafter, shall be allowed further time, until the first
day of December, eighteen hundred and forty-nine, to
collect all taxes and fees due to the said Thomas F.
W. Vinson, in the same manner in which the said
Thomas F. W. Vinson was authorised to do whilst he
was in office; provided, that this act shall not extend to
any person or persons, his, her or their representatives,
against whom any such taxes or fees may have been
rendered, who shall make oath or affirmation before a
justice of the peace that the same has been satisfied.