Shenton, late of Calvert county, deceased, be and she is
hereby authorised to make and execute a good and valid
deed to George Shenton, for one-third interest of said
Richard Shenton, deceased, to twenty-nine and three-
fourths acres of land, by the said George Shenton pay-
ing over to the said Rebecca Shenton, the valuation of
said piece of land in money.
CHAP. 277.
WHEREAS, Mrs. Harriet Barrow, late of Dorchester
county, deceased, for the benefit or her daughter Anne
E. M. Hudson, contracted to sell certain real estate, the
property of the said Anne E. M. Hudson, called and
known by the name of Trippe's Enclosure, or by what-
soever name or names the same may be called, situated
in Vienna district, near the Draw-bridge, in Dorchester
county, containing one hundred, acres, more or less, to
John Gore, and the said Harriet Barrow, gave to the said
John Gore, a bond conditioned for the conveyance of the
said real estate, to the said John Gore, whenever the
said Anne E. M. Hudson, should arrive at lawful age;
and whereas, the said Anne E. M. Hudson, has lately de-
parted this life, leaving sundry debts unpaid, and by her
last will and testament, dated the twenty-fourth day of
March, eighteen hundred and forty-five, devised her es-
tate, both real and personal, to her half sister, Eleanor
Eugenia Barrow; and whereas, although the debts of the
said Anne E. M. Hudson are small, yet there is no per-
sonal estate to meet them, and it is necessary, that some
portion of her real estate shall be sold, for the purpose of
paying her debts, and the small tract of land above re-
ferred to and described, will be adequate for that pur-
pose; and whereas, the expenses of proceedings in chan-
cery, to affect a sale of real estate, are considerable, and
there is also great delay in affecting a sale by such pro-
cess — therefore,