CHAP. 276.
the register of wills, of the fourth section of the act of
December session, eighteen hundred and thirty-seven,
chapter thirty-five, to each school commissioner appoint-
ed by them under said act.
Passed Mar.
4, 1846
An act for the extension of the time of William H.
Blackistone, collector of Kent County for the payment
of the Direct and Income tax.
Time exten-
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the time for the payment of the direct
and income tax, and all taxes due the State for the year
eighteen hundred and forty-four, by William H. Blackis-
tone, collector for Kent county, be extended to the twen-
ty-fifth day of August next, and that the time for the
payment of the direct and income tax, and all taxed due
the State for the year eighteen hundred forty-five, by the
said William H. Blackistone, collector as aforesaid, be
extended to the first day of December next; provided,
that the responsibility of the sureties of the said Black-
istone, shall not be affected thereby, the State reserving
to itself all its rights and remedies against said sureties,
notwithstanding the provisions of this act,; and provided
further, that the said sureties file their assent thereto in
writing, in the office of the clerk of the said county, on
or before the first day of April next.
No proceed-
ings to be had,
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That no proceeding shall
be had upon the bond of the said William H. Blackistone
collector, until after the first day of December next; pro-
vided, the sureties of the said William H. Blackistone
give their assent thereto in the manner specified in the
preceding section.
Passed Mar.
5, 1846.
An act to authorise Rebecca Shenton, of Calvert County,
to convey a certain piece of land therein mentioned.
May execute
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Rebecca Shenton, widow of Richard