rate not to exceed three per centum (3%) per annum on
any tax anticipation certificates which may heretofore have
been issued by said Board of Directors to raise money for
any or all of such purposes. After the payment of said
sum of Three Hundred Thousand Dollars ($300, 000), the
Clerk shall thereafter pay] The Clerk of the Court shall
on or before the 10th day of each month pay from the
funds theretofore received by him under the provisions of
Sections 176 to 177C, inclusive, the following payments to
the Treasurer of the Calvert County Hospital of Calvert
County, Maryland, or to such other person as the Board
of Directors thereof may designate, the first Twelve Thou-
sand Dollars ($12, 000) SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL
($20, 000) received in each fiscal year on account of
such fees, said amount to be used for deficits incurred
by reason of emergency, free or charitable work; and
for maintenance of and repairs to the hospital building
heretofore provided for, the grounds thereof and the equip-
ment and furnishings therein, including the replacement
of worn or obsolete furnishings or equipment with new
furnishings and equipment and the acquisition of new
equipment not previously considered necessary. After the
payment of said sums, the Clerk shall thereafter pay to
the Treasurer of North Beach the next ten thousand dollars
($10, 000) received in each fiscal year on account of such
fees, said amount to be held by the said Treasurer in a
special fund to be used for the purpose of enlarging, ex-
tending and improving the sewage, storm water drainage
and/or water supply systems of the town of North Beach,
including the construction of additional disposal and filter
plants, pumping stations, reservoirs, conduits and other
appurtenances, the alteration, repair and improvement of
such present facilities, and the purchase or lease of land,
easements, franchises or other interests as may be author-
ized for such purpose. The remainder of such funds shall
be paid to the Treasurer of Calvert County Hospital of
Calvert County, Maryland, or to such person or corpora-
tion as the Board of Directors may designate, until a suf-
ficient sum shall have been paid to liquidate the present
mortgage indebtedness against the said Calvert County
Hospital in the amount of $110, 000. 00 incurred for the
construction thereof, together with interest thereon at the
rate of four per centum (4%) per annum from and after
January 1, 1953, until paid. Such payments shall be made
over a period of five years, and no payment shall be greater
than Twenty-six Thousand Dollars ($26, 000) in any one