City Clerk, with the corporate seal of the City of Cumberland
thereto attached, and shall bear interest at the rate of not more
than four per cent (4%) per annum, payable semi-annually,
for which interest proper coupons are to be attached to said
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That the said Mayor and
City Council shall by ordinance, cause advertisement to be
made setting the time and place where bids conditioned as
may be required by said ordinance will be opened for the sale
of said bonds, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, reserving unto itself
the right to reject any and all bids. Said bids, TOGETHER
QUIRED, shall be filed with the City Clerk of the City of
Cumberland, and at the time and place advertised shall be
opened by him in the presence of the Mayor and City Council;
and if said bids be satisfactory to the Mayor and City Council,
it shall sell said bonds, or any part thereof, to the highest
bidder or bidders, of whose ability to comply with the terms
of sale the said Mayor and City Council, in its discretion, is
Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That in the event the
Board of Public Works of the State of Maryland shall be
authorized to lend to the City of Cumberland a sum or sums
of money for the DESIGN, construction, maintenance, IM-
PROVEMENT and repair of sewers, sewerage systems,
SEWAGE PUMPING STATIONS, and sewage disposal and
treatment plants, the Mayor and City Council of Cumber-
land may borrow from the State of Maryland the aforesaid
sum of One Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($1,
500, 000. 00), or any part thereof, for the purposes herein-
before mentioned, and may conclude an agreement with the
Board of Public Works covering the repayment to the State
Treasury of all sums so loaned, together with interest at a
rate of not more than four percent (4%) per annum.
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That upon the sale of said
bonds or any part thereof, or upon the payment to the City of
Cumberland of the aforesaid State loan, the proceeds thereof
shall be placed in a separate fund and used by the Mayor and
City Council for the purpose of extending and improving the
present sanitary sewer system of the City of Cumberland, both
within and without the corporate limits thereof, and for the
design, acquisition, construction and establishment of a Sew-
age Disposal and Treatment Plant, including machines, tanks,
devices, pipe and all mechanical, electrical and chemical equip-
ment and supplies, lands, improvements, water courses, water
rates, RIGHTS and other property necessary therefor, and all