CHAP. 171.
justice of the peace of said county, that the same re-
main unpaid, and that he hath not received any secu-
rity or satisfaction for the same, or any part thereof,
more than what credits may be allowed thereon.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That this act shall not
continue in force longer than one year, from the date
of the passage thereof.
Passed Mar. 15,
A supplement to the act, entitled, an act for the improve-
ment of the public roads, in Kent county, pasted at
November session eighteen hundred, chapter fifty
Authority to fix
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the justices of the levy court for Kent county, at
their next annual meeting under the act aforesaid, fop
the regulation of the conduct of supervisors, shall fix
and establish rates for the hire of laborers on the pub-
Levy authoris-
lic roads of said county, and are hereby authorised and
directed to assess and levy on the assessable property
of said county, a sufficient sum to allow each and eve-
ry able bodied hand that may hereafter be employed
on the public roads of said county, the sum of seventy
cents per day for laborers.
Passed Mar. 16,
A supplement to the charter of the Tide Water Canal
Right of appeal.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the right of appeal and removal and cause of
procedure consequent thereon, secured to the Baltimore
and Port Deposite Rail Road Company, by the act of
eighteen hundred and thirty five, chapter three hundred
and twenty seven shall be extended and secured to the
Tide Water Canal Company, upon the finding a re-
turn of any inquisition token under its charter or af-
fecting the construction or reparation of said canal.