thirty-six, chapter two hundred and thirty-six, and
the further supplement to the said act, passed at Decem-
ber session, eighteen hundred and thirty-seven, chap-
ter three hundred and two, according to the form and
effect of the existing liens and charges on the property
and revenues of the said company.
CHAP. 395.
Sec. 7. And be it enacted, That the profits and re-
venues of said company, which may remain after the
payment of interest on the advances to the said com-
pany by the State, and by the city of Baltimore, or so
much thereof as in the opinion and judgment of the
said treasurer may be necessary for the purpose, shall
Profits and revenue
of company after
paying interest.
be from time to time paid over to the said treasurer, to
be by him invested in certificates of stock, or bonds of
this State, and set apart as a sinking fund for the
eventual payment of the debts due by the said company
to the State, for monies advanced under the aforesaid
act, passed at December session eighteen hundred and
thirty-four, chapter two hundred and forty-one, and
Payable to treasur-
Invested in stock.
And constituted a
Sinking Fund.
ceed the debts which the said company may owe to this
State as aforesaid, such excess shall enure to the bene-
fit of the said company. and be paid over to the president
and directors, by the said treasurer; provided always,
that if at any time it be only necessary in the opinion
of said treasurer, that a portion of such profits and
revenues should be paid over to form the sinking fund
aforesaid, then the remaining portion thereof may be
divided among the stockholders of the company.
When that fund
exceeds the debt.
Excess payable to
the company.
At Treasurer's dis-
Sec. 8. And be it enacted, That the president and
directors of said company shall have power to charge
for the transportation of passengers on their road, any
sum of money not exceeding six cents per mile, as in
their descretion may seem expedient, and for the trans-
portation of produce and merchandize, and property of
every description, not exceeding eight cents per ton,
of two thousand pounds per mile, except the following
articles, to wit: wood, coal, lime and limestone, upon
each of which they shall charge at the rate of four cents
per mile, per ton, of two thousand pounds, in lien of the
rates of charge authorised by the twentieth section of
shall be considered as including all charges for toil, as
well as for transportation, and it shall and may be
Charge for trans-