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Session Laws, 1838
Volume 598, Page 413   View pdf image
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CHAP. 395.

lawful for the said president and directors, to charge
for tolls and motive power, to any person or persons,
or company, who may be by them authorised to place

four cents per mile for each passenger, or six cents per
ton aforesaid per mile, for produce, merchandise or other
property, except those which are hereinbefore excepted.

Consideration pay-
able to the treasu-


Sec. 9. And be it enacted, That in consideration of
the additional advances to be made by this State, and
of the power to increase its charges for transportation
of passengers as aforesaid, the said company shall pay
to the said treasurer for the use of the State, on the
first Monday in January and July, in each and every

50 cents on each


Or one-fifth of total

amount received.

for transportation.

year, the sum of fifty cents on each passenger who shall
be transported over not less than twenty-five miles of
the said road, or one fifth of the whole amount which
may be received for the transportation of passengers
on the said road by said company, during the six

Semi-annual state-

ment on oath.

months last preceding, and it shall be the duty of the
president, or chief officer of the said company, to ex-
hibit, on oath or affirmation, to the General Assembly,
on the first day of January in each and every year, or
as soon thereafter as conveniently may be, an account
shewing the gross amount received by the said compa-
ny for the transportation of passengers on the said

This payment de-

ferred till.

road, and the State's proportion thereof; provided, that
in no event shall the State be authorised to receive the
amount to be paid as herein provided, in addition to
the interest payable to the State by the said company,
until after the full payment of all interest which may

Or taken as part


be payable to the city of Baltimore, and until after the
payment of a dividend of six per cent, to the stockhold-
ers of the said company; it being understood that if the
charge hereinbefore provided for, shall be made by the

Payment of interest.

State, the amounts received therefrom, shall be credit-
ed to account of the interest payable to the State by
the said company, until the interest payable to the city
of Baltimore, and a dividend of six per cent to the
stockholders of the said company shall have been paid
in full.

Right reserved to

regulate tolls.

Sec. 10. And be it enacted, That the General As-
sembly shall, at all times hereafter, have the power to
regulate the rates to he charged for toll and transpor-
tation of passengers, or merchandize on said road, so
that however the rates shall not be reduced below the

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Session Laws, 1838
Volume 598, Page 413   View pdf image
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