and taken to have consented to postpone all the liens,
or incumbrances on the property and revenues of the
said company, in favour of the rights of this State,
as declared and provided for in the next preceding
section, but that any profits, or revenue of the said
company, which may remain after the payment of in-
terest on the advances made by the State, under the
provisions of the acts referred to in the next preceding
section, and on the advances which may be made under
the provisions of this act, or so much thereof as may
be necessary for the purpose, shall be pledged and ap-
propriated to the payment of interest on the advances
made, to the said company, by the city of Baltimore
provide for the completion of the Chesapeake and Ohio
Canal to Cumberland, and provide for the comple-
tion of the Baltimore and Susquehanna Rail Road to
the Borough of York in the State of Pennsylvania,
passed at December session, eighteen hundred and