CHAP. 381.
at such term of the court thereafter, not exceeding the
third term, as may be prescribed by the court, or jus-
tice, issuing such writs.
Passed April 5,
An act to perfect the title of Thomas Wood, in and to a
certain tract of land heretofore sold at Sheriff's sale,
by George A. Smith, to Jeremiah Rhodes.
WHEREAS, it has been represented to the General
Assembly of Maryland, that an execution heretofore
issued from Caroline county court, directed to a cer-
tain George A. Smith, then sheriff of said county,
against a certain William Tolson of said county; and
whereas, the said sheriff took in execution a certain
tract of land there situate, called 'Willenbee, ' which
he exposed at public sale, and at which sale a certain
Jeremiah Rhodes of said county, became the highest
bidder and purchaser; and whereas, the said sheriff
executed a deed to the said Jeremiah Rhodes, thereby
intending to convey to him and his heirs, the said tract
of land, but in the description of the metes and bounds
of said land, committed an error; and whereas, all the
right of the said Jeremiah Rhodes acquired at said
sheriff's sale, has by sundry mesne conveyances become
the property of a certain Thomas Wood, of said coun-
ty; and whereas, the said George A Smith, sheriff as
aforesaid, hath departed this life without having cor-
rected the error in said deed contained: — Therefore,
Court authorised to
direct enquiry.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the judges of Caroline county court,
upon the application of the said Thomas Wood, or of
any of the parties interested in the said conveyance,
by the said George A. Smith, sheriff as aforesaid, shall
enquire into the fact whether the said George A. Smith,
by virtue of an execution issued to him from Caroline
county court, against a certain William Tolson, took
in execution a tract of land called 'Willenbee, ' which
he sold at sheriff's sale, to a certain Jeremiah Rhodes,
and whether the said sheriff, in his description of the
metes and bounds of said land, in his deed thereof to