Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the authority afore-
said, be, and they are hereby authorised, in their dis-
cretion, to have resurveyed the town of Cumberland,
and include in said resurvey all that part of said town
CHAP. 380.
not heretofore noted upon the town plat, as also to levy
and collect taxes upon all the property included in such
survey, in common with the property heretofore subject
to taxation for the necessary purposes of the corpora-
Levy taxes.
A supplement to the act, entitled, an act to establish
Magistrates' Courts in the several counties of this
State, and to prescribe their jurisdiction.
Passed April 5,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That from and after the passage of this art
it shall and may he lawful for the several magistrates'
courts of this State, organized under the act to which
execution on all judgments obtained before them or be-
fore any justice of the peace, in the same manner and
under the same rules as are now observed by the seve-
ral county courts of this State.
Authorised to issue
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That for every such issue,
the district court, out of which it proceeds, shall he
entitled to the same fees as the said courts are now
allowed by law lor issuing other writs; provided, that
this law shall have no force or effect in Dorchester
Fees therefor.
Dorchester county
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That nothing in this act
ment, rendered by any district court, or by any justice
of the peace, a lien on lands, tenements or heridita-
ments, otherwise than now provided for by law.
Judgments not to
act as lien.
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That all attachments
hereafter issued in virtue of the act to which this is a
supplement, shall he. made returnable to the second term
Those issued here-
tofore returnable.
Sec 5. And be it enacted, That writs of fieri facias,
or capias ad satisfaciendum, shall be made returnable
Writs or capias, &c.