knowledged and recorded, that subsequent to the exe-
cution of the said deed, the number of the lot intended
to be mortgaged and sold under said decree was dis-
covered to the erroneously stated to be number twenty
eight, instead of part of lot number two, on the plat of
the said town of Frostburgh, and that for the purpose of
correcting said error, the said trustee executed a second
deed to the said Tobias Riley, for all that part of lot
number two, in the said town of Frostburg, which was
intended to be embraced by the said mortgage and
decree, which said deed, bears date on the twenty-fourth
day of November, in the year eighteen hundred and
thirty eight, and recorded among the laud records of
Allegany county; and whereas, the said Tobias Riley
hath prayed this General Assembly to pass a law to
make valid the said last mentioned deed, there being
doubts entertained as to the authority of the paid trus-
tee to execute said deed, under the said decree, and al-
so to correct the chancery proceedings in said case in
reference to the mistake in said mortgage, and the
proceedings to foreclose the same, and it being thought
just and reasonable that the prayer of the petitioner
should be granted: — Therefore,
CHAP. 21.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the deed from Bene S. Pigman to the
Reverend Tobias Riley, bearing date on the twenty-
fourth day of November eighteen hundred and thirty-
eight, and recorded among the land records of Allegany
county, for all that part of a lot in the town of Frost-
burg in Allegany county, numbered on the plot of the
said town as lot number two, be and the same is hereby
made valid to all intents and purposes, and that the
estate thereby conveyed, shall be and the same is here-
by declared to be in the said Tobias Riley, his heirs
and assigns, according to the courses and limits of said
part of lot number two, as set out in said deed.
Deed made valid.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the Clerk of Allega-
ny County Court, at the request and cost of the said
Tobias Riley, his heirs or assigns, shall make a note
or memorandum in the books of records, in which the
deed aforesaid, from the said Bene S. Pigman, to the
said Tobias Riley is recorded, in. such manner as upon
the inspection of the said record, the purpose of this
act may be known and its object ascertained.
Note on the record