CHAP. 310.
Baltimore, shall be and it is hereby extended in the follow-
ing manner, that is to say, beginning for one side of the said
extension on the north east side of North Gay street, where
the south western most side of the present Belle Air Mar-
ket Space if continued would intersect the north east side
of Gay street, and running thence northerly with the same
range of the Belle Air Market Space, until it intersects the
south western most side of Forest street, and beginning for
the other side of the said extension, on the north east side
of North Gay street, at the distance of Forest street,
northerly from where the north-east line of the said Belle
Air Market Space, if extended would intersect the said
north-east side of Gay street, and running thence north-
easterly parallel with the first described line, until it inter-
sects the west side of Forest street, and all the grounds
contained within the said lines of Gay street, and forty feet,
and Ensor street, shall be and is hereby added to and in-
cluded in the Belle Air Market Space.
Judges to ap-
point three or
more com-
missioners to
value property
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the judges of Baltimore
city court, shall appoint three or more persons, commis-
sioners to value the property contained within the said ex-
tension, and to ascertain all damages which any person or
persons may sustain by reason of the said extension who
shall proceed in all respects as commissioners for ascertain-
ing the damages sustained by opening, widening or extend-
ing streets, agreeable to the provisions of the acts of assem-
bly, passed at December session eighteen hundred twenty-
six, chapter ninety-one, and at December session of the
year eighteen hundred and twenty-seven, chapter twenty-
one, and December session eighteen hundred thirty-four,
chapter two hundred seventy-seven, and any of the parties
interested, shall be entitled to an appeal and trial by jury
thereon, as is prescribed by the said acts of assembly.
When the va-
lue and dama-
ges of proper-
ty are ascer-
tained, money
to be paid.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That when the value of the
said property and the amount of the damages as aforesaid,
shall have been finally ascertained, and the mayor and city
council of Baltimore, shall have or tendered to each of the
persons interested the sum of money to which he or she
shall have appeared to be entitled, then the title to the pro-
perty contained within the above description, shall become
and be vested in the mayor and city council of Baltimore,
in fee simple.
Passed March
8, 1844.
An act to provide for the erection of an additional Tobacco
Warehouse in the city of Baltimore.
Whereas it is represented to the General Assembly of
Maryland, that there exists an urgent necessity for the