trix allowed to
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly cf
Maryland, That Elizabeth Perry, administratrix of Tho-
mas Perry, former Sheriff and Collector of Charles coun-
ty, have until the first day of March eighteen hundred and
forty-four, to collect the accounts or balances due to the
said Thomas Perry, as Sheriff and collector aforesaid, at
the time of his death, as freely as if the same had been
Twenty days
notice to be
given. Affi-
done within the time heretofore limited by law.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the said Elizabeth
Perry administratrix as aforesaid, before she proceeds to
execute the body or property of any person or persons, for
fines, forfeitures, amercements, officer's fees or public dues,
by and under the authority of this act, shall deliver or cause
to be delivered to the person or persons chargeable with
the same, or shall have, or cause to be left at his, her or
their house, at least twenty days previous to the serving or
levying any execution upon the body or property of said
person or persons, on account of the sum due by him, her
or them, with the affidavit of the said Elizabeth Perry, ad-
ministratrix as aforesaid, or one of her deputies, as the case
may be, annexed thereto, setting forth that it does not ap-
pear from the books or papers of the said Thomas Perry,
that any part of the same hath been paid, and that she the
said Elizabeth Perry, administratrix aforesaid, since the
death of the said Thomas Perry, hath not, nor hath any
person for her use, received any part thereof, (except if
any the credits thereon given) or any satisfaction for the
May appoint
same to the best of her or their knowledge and belief.
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That the said Elizabeth
Perry, administratrix as aforesaid, is hereby fully authorized
and empowered to appoint one or more agents or deputies
for the purpose of carrying into effect the provisions of
this act.