with security, to be approved by the said court, or one of
its judges, in the penalty of seven thousand dollars, or such
further sum as the said court or judge shall direct, condi-
tioned that on such sale being made and the purchase money
received, he will within thirty days thereafter make the in-
vestment in the manner provided in the first section of this
CHAP. 224.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the deed of conveyance
of the farm or real estate in which the proceeds of the sale
of the said leasehold properly shall have been invested, in
order to shew a compliance with the condition of the said
bond, shall be recorded among the land records of Balti-
more county court within thirty days after such investment.
Deed of con-
veyance to be
An act to authorise the hearing in the Court of Appeals in
a case wherein John Kelly and others are appellants, and
Solomon Betts appellee.
Passed Feb.
17, 1843.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the Court of Appeals for the western shore, be and
they are hereby authorised and directed, to hear and deter-
mine an appeal from the equity side of Baltimore county
court, now pending in the said court of appeals, in the name
of John Kelly and others appellants, and Solomon Betts ap-
pellee, notwithstanding the death of the said Solomon Betts
before the taking of said appeal, and to proceed in all re-
spects in the hearing and trial of said appeal, as if the death
of said Solomon Betts had occurred after the said appeal
taken, and after said cause had been under rule argument in
said court of appeals.
Court of Ap-
peals to hear
and determine
An act for the benefit of Sebastian Florence.
WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly, that
Sebastian Florence, of Frederick county purchased certain
real property, and that deeds of conveyance for the same
were duly executed to him before he became a naturalized,
citizen of the United States — therefore,
Passed Feb.
23, 1843.