Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duly of a
justice of the peace who may reside convenient to the
school house, to preside at said election, free of cost or
charge, and report the result thereof, certified under his
hand and seal, to the commissioners of the county, who
shall cause a record of the same to be made in a book kept
for that purpose.
CHAP. 203.
Justice of the
peace to pre-
Sec. 5. And be it enacted, That all acts or parts of
acts, inconsistent with this act, be and the same are hereby
repealed, so far as the same relates to the county of Saint
An act to provide for re-building Snell's Bridge, over the
Patuxent River.
Passed March
4, 1842.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the commissioners for Montgomery coun-
ty and of Howard district, are hereby authorized and re-
quired to assess and levy a sum of money, not to exceed two
hundred dollars, on the assessable property of said county
and district respectively, and at the time of making their
next county and district levy, together with the commis-
sioners for collecting the same, which said assessment shall
be made, levied, collected and paid to the commissioners
appointed by this act, or to their order, as soon as the same
may become payable by law, and to be by them expended
in re-building the bridge, known by the name of Snell's
Levy two
hundred dol-
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That Thomas P. Stabler and
Isaac Holland, are appointed commissioners on the part of
Montgomery county, and Louis Eyre and Wesley Linthi-
cum, on the part of Howard district, and the said commis-
sioners, or a majority of them, are hereby authorized and
empowered to change the location or site of said bridge, and
to re-build it at such place as they in their judgment shall
deem best calculated to promote the public convenience, and
to cause said bridge to be re-built of sound and good ma-
terials, with stone abutments, and completed in the best and
most substantial manner, and they or a majority of them,
are by this act authorized to agree with a contractor or con-
tractors for re-building said bridge, and keeping the same
in repair for ten years thereafter, or they may purchase