CHAP. 203.
materials and hire workmen and laborers to complete the
same, as they in their discretion may think best.
ers to make
report of ex-
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That the commissioners afore-
said or a majority of them, shall render to the commission-
ers of Montgomery county and of Howard district respec-
tively, at their next meeting after the expenditure of said
money, a true, full and fair account of all the money by
them laid out and expended by virtue of this act, in re-
building said bridge, and the said commissioners for Mont-
gomery county and Howard district respectively, shall
make such compensation to said bridge commissioners, as
they in their judgment shall think just and proper.
Fill vacancies
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That if either of said bridge
commissioners shall die or refuse to act, the remaining com-
missioners shall appoint some other persons to fill the va-
cancy, and the person so appointed, shall have the same
powers and authorities as are vested in the said commis-
sioners by this act.
ers may lay
out a public
road, etc.
Sec. 5. And be it enacted, That if the commissioners
aforesaid, shall determine to re-build said bridge at some
place other than where it is at present located, then and in
that case the commissioners named as aforesaid on the part
of Montgomery county, together with such other person as
they may appoint, in case of disagreement between them-
selves, be and they are hereby authorized and required to
lay out and open a public road in said county, from said
bridge, and to intersect at the most suitable and convenient
point, the old road leading to the same as at present located,
and the said commissioners shall value and assess all dama-
ges that the opening of said road may do the owners of
lands through which it may pass, taking into consideration
the advantages and disadvantages when assessing said da-
mages, and render to the commissioners of Montgomery
county a Full and Fair account of all the expenses incurred
opening said road, and the said commissioners of Montgo-
mery county are hereby authorized and required to levy on
the assessable property of said county, collect and pay to
the order of said road commissioners, the amount of ex-
Public road.
penses incurred as aforesaid.
Sec. C. And be it enacted, That when said road shall
be opened as aforesaid, it shall thereafter be considered as a
county road, and be kept in repair as other public roads,
and all that part of the old road between the Patuxent river
and the intersection of the new road when opened as afore-
said, shall be deemed as closed and shut up, and shall not
thereafter be considered a public road.
Bond to How-
ard district.
Sec. 7. And be it enacted, That nothing in this act con-
tained, shall be construed to go into effect until the com-